[Tex/LaTex] How to avoid “space” between each bullets


I am getting an empty row after each bullet and I am looking for a way to avoid an empty row between each line, or at least make the height of that space-row smaller.
Here is what I do:

\documentclass [11pt] {article}
\input std-defs
\input EECE2323-header
\lab{3}{LAB3 }


  \item[$\cdot$ At the end of this lab you will:] 
  \item[\qquad $\bullet$ Add Shift operations and Branch operations to your ALU]
  \item[\qquad $\bullet$ Create a memory of 4 word deep, 9 bit wide to hold data]
  \item[\qquad $\bullet$ Learn about sequential logic]
  \item[\qquad $\bullet$ Assemble the complete Datapath ]
  \item[\qquad $\bullet$ Familiarize yourself with Xilinx device xc7z020clg484-1]

Here is a snippet of the pdf I get:
Here is a snippet of the pdf I get:


Best Answer

Don't add the formatting of each item in a list manually; let the list formatting take care of itself:

enter image description here

  \item At the end of this lab you will:
    \item Add Shift operations and Branch operations to your ALU
    \item Create a memory of 4 word deep, 9 bit wide to hold data
    \item Learn about sequential logic
    \item Assemble the complete Datapath
    \item Familiarize yourself with Xilinx device xc7z020clg484-1

Above I've used enumitem to set the label of each item at that specific level. Level 1 has a label set to $\cdot$, while level 2 has it set to \textbullet. This can be adjusted/set globally, but for the sake of the example I've kept it local.

Gaps between each item is suppressed (or at least condensed) to the maximum by using the nosep list option. noitemsep will provide some separation (space) between lists, but not space between items in the same list.

Many other adjustments are also possible (like margins/indentation), but that's beyond the scope of the question.