[Tex/LaTex] How to align table so that it doesn’t overflow the page horizontally


I need this to fit in page, but it overflows! I tried reference on the link

  1. How to shrink a table automatically so that it fits onto a page?
  2. Latex table goes out of page border

but no success.
Here's the table.

 ID & Test Name & Test Description & Input & Expected Output & Actual Output \\ [0.5ex]
 1 & Arduino & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED\\ 
 1 & Arduino & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED\\
1 & Arduino & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED\\
1 & Arduino & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED\\
\tabcap{Sound Limit in different zones}

Best Answer

Two solutions based on tabularx. The second uses the booktabs package, with only $3$ horizontal rules:

\usepackage{array, caption, tabularx,  ragged2e,  booktabs}


  ID & Test Name & Test Description           & Input                & Expected Output              & Actual Output   \\ [0.5ex]
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
\captionof{table}{Sound Limit in different zones}

  ID & Test Name & Test Description           & Input                & Expected Output              & Actual Output   \\ [0.5ex]
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
  1  & Arduino   & Code burning and executing & Pin controlled write & blinking LED on intended pin & Blinking of LED \\
\captionof{table}{Sound Limit in different zones}


enter image description here

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