[Tex/LaTex] How to align multiple subfigures in a grid


I have three images and I want to align them in the way that one image is above the other two. Here's an example:

example alignment

How can I achieve this? For my other figures I use the subcaption package, but I am not able to align the pictures that way with it.

Thanks for all your replys! The answer that is working for me is the one supposed by karlkoeller:



\caption{A mouse}\label{fig:mouse}

\caption{A gull}\label{fig:gull}
\caption{A tiger}\label{fig:tiger}
\caption{Picture of animals}


Best Answer

You are already using the subcaption package, and it is very easy with it.

Here's the code you need



\caption{A mouse}\label{fig:mouse}

\caption{A gull}\label{fig:gull}
\caption{A tiger}\label{fig:tiger}
\caption{Picture of animals}



enter image description here

If you need to have the subcaption numbers as in your picture, you have to adjust the counter subfigure with \setcounter{subfigure}{<num>} inside the subfigures



\caption{A mouse}\label{fig:mouse}

\caption{A gull}\label{fig:gull}
\caption{A tiger}\label{fig:tiger}
\caption{Picture of animals}



enter image description here