[Tex/LaTex] How to align author names

vertical alignment

Consider the following example:


\title{A Paper}

\author{\begin{tabular}{l@{\ }l}

  Advisor: "Name of Advisor"

  Candidate: "My Name"




Given in this paper ...


My question is how to make the two colons right after "Advisor" and "Candidate" be on the same line?

Best Answer

I am not sure whether this meant at all.

Please note, that journals have their own guidelines for typesetting/alignment of the names of authors.

The @{\ } is not useful at all, the first column is requested to be right justified, so use a r column specifier.


\title{A Paper}

  Advisor:  &  ``Name of Advisor'' \tabularnewline
  Candidate: & ``Name of Candidate''



Given in this paper ...


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