CV – How to Add the Skype Icon in Europass CV


How to add the Skype ICON in Euro-pass CV?


 \ecvname{Name }
 \ecvaddress{House No }
 \ecvlinkedin{\href{}{ /32/2aa/a83/}}
 \ecvnationality{name of country}
 \ecvdateofbirth{21 January 1974}
 \ecvpicture[height=3.5cm, width=3cm]{abc }

 \ecvfootnote{© European Union, 2002-2013 |}



\ecvposition{Job applied for}{ }

\ecvsection{Work experience}

\ecvworkexperience{September 2009 -- September 2012}{ Research  Assistant}{Abc University}{city}{}

%\ecvworkexperience{March 2002 -- July 2002}{Internship}{European Commission, Youth Unit, DG Education and Culture}{}

 %\ecvworkexperience{October 2001 – February 2002}{Researcher / Independent Consultant}{Council of Europe, Budapest (Hungary)}{}{}

  \ecvsection{Education and training}

    \ecveducation{2005 -- 2008}{Master of Science }{Abc University,City }{Thesis Title: }{}

  \ecveducation{2001 -- 2005}{Bachelor of Science }{Abc City}{Studies focused }{}

 \ecvsection{Thesis Abstract}
 \ecvitem{Thesis Abstract:}{The thesis describes}

   \ecvsection{Research Interest}
  \ecveducation{}{}{ Computational Fluid Dynamics}{}{}

 \ecvsection{Personal skills}

  \ecvmothertongue[20pt]{English, German}

  %\ecvitem[10pt]{Communication skills}{}

    \ecvitem[10pt]{Computer skills}{\LaTeX, Tikz, jPicEdt, Matlab, Mathematica, C/C++, \LaTeX Draw, Mayura Draw, MS Office.}

     \ecvitem[10pt]{Hobbies}{ Chess, Movies, Photography, Watching Sports Channels}

      %\ecvitem[10pt]{Other skills}{Creating pieces of Art and visiting Modern Art galleries. Enjoy all sports particularly cricket, hockey and football. Love to travel and experience different cultures.}

      %\ecvitem[10pt]{Driving licence}{A, B}

        %\ecvsection{ADDITIONAL INFORMATION}
       %\ecvitem{Publications}{`How to do Observations: Borrowing techniques from the Social Sciences to help Participants do Observations in Simulation Exercises' Coyote EU/CoE Partnership Publication, (2002).}


Best Answer

Hard way ahead. Put this in your preamble

& \tabularnewline[20pt]
\textcolor{torea-bay}{\MakeUppercase{\ecv@infosectionkey}} & \LARGE\ecv@name\tabularnewline[10pt]
\ifx\@empty\ecvdrawpicture &\else
\ecv@beforepic\ecvdrawpicture\ecv@afterpic &
 \ifx\@empty\ecv@telephone\else\qquad\includegraphics[width=\ecv@iconwidth]{ic_phone_home} \ecv@telephone\fi
            % false false false
            % false false true
             \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ecv@nationalitykey} \ecv@nationality \par\vspace{5pt}
        %false true
        \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ecv@birthkey} \ecv@birth
            % false true false
            % false true true
            \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ | \ecv@nationalitykey} \ecv@nationality \par\vspace{5pt}

    % true
    \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ecv@genderkey} \ecv@gender
            % true false false
            % true false true
             \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ | \ecv@nationalitykey} \ecv@nationality \par\vspace{5pt}
        %true true
        \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ | \ecv@birthkey} \ecv@birth
            % true true false
            % true true true
            \textcolor{curious-blue}{\ | \ecv@nationalitykey} \ecv@nationality \par\vspace{5pt}



and download skype icon (say from this link and later use

\ecvlinkedin{\href{LinkedIn public profile URL}{LinkedIn public profile URL without ``http://''}}
\ecvskype{\href{Skype}{Skype details}}

enter image description here

Surgical way:

Add these



Full code:




%[Tutti i campi del CV sono facoltativi. Rimuovere i campi vuoti.]
\ecvname{Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)}
\ecvaddress{Replace with house number, street name, city, postcode, country}
\ecvtelephone[Replace with telephone number]{Replace with mobile number}
\ecvemail{State e-mail address}
\ecvhomepage{\href{Homepage URL}{Homepage URL without ``http://''}}
\ecvlinkedin{\href{LinkedIn public profile URL}{LinkedIn public profile URL without ``http://''}}
\ecvskype{\href{Skype}{Skype details}}
\ecvgender{Enter sex}
\ecvnationality{Enter nationality/-ies}

\ecvfootnote{© European Union, 2002-2015 |}



\ecvposition{Job applied for
Preferred kob
Studies applied for}{Replace with job applied for / position / preferred job / studies applied for (delete non relevant headings in left column)}

\ecvsection{Work experience}
%[Add separate entries for each experience. Start from the most recent.]

\ecvworkexperience{Replace with dates (from - to)}{Replace with occupation or position held}{Replace with employer’s name}{Replace with employer’s locality (if relevant, full address and website)}{Replace with main activities and responsibilities}

\ecvsection{Education and training}
%[Add separate entries for each course. Start from the most recent.]

\ecveducation{Replace with dates (from - to)}{Replace with qualification awarded}{Replace with education or training organisation’s name and locality (if relevant, country)}{
Replace with a list of principal subjects covered or skills acquired}{Replace with EQF (or other) level if relevant}


If you want to modify the .cls file which is not a good idea as your modifications will be overwritten with an update, here is how to jump in to the sea. First save a copy of europecv2013.cls and name it myeuropecv2013.cls

After line 355, say add these

\newcommand*{\ecvlinkedin}[1]{\def\ecv@linkedin{#1}}  %% this line is reference
\newcommand*{\ecvskype}[1]{\def\ecv@skype{#1}}   %% <---add

and then add \ecvlinkedin{} after line 393. Then in command


on line 390, below


(lines 416-418), add these


BTW change \ecv@linkedin\par\vspace{10pt} to \ecv@linkedin\par\vspace{5pt}

Then save myeuropecv2013.cls and use\documentclass{myeuropecv2013}