[Tex/LaTex] How to add square brackets for the authoryear biblatex bibliography style


Due to some university requirements, I redefined the biblatex citesytle authoryear to use square brackets instead of round parentheses. Now I am trying to achieve the same for the bibstyle.

My approach to this is to redefine the original style file, authoryear.bbx. This worked fine for the citestyle, which I am not repeating here because the styles work very differently.

Reading the manual [ 1 ], I found out that (round) parentheses are put around fields using the command \printtext[parens]{....}. Here, the field parens is defined as \DeclareFieldFormat{parens}{\mkbibparens{#1}} [1, p. 268]. In analogy to this, I tried to define a new field bracks like so: \DeclareFieldFormat{bracks}{\mkbibbrackets{#1}} (see [1, p. 250]).

My approach is now to replace the field parens by bracks everywhere in the associated style file, see the MWE below:




% authoryear styles are special in the following way:

% The citation labels are "labelname (labelyear)" and since citation
% labels are the keys into the references section, the fact that the
% citation uses labelyear means that the references must also. This
% means we use a special \printdate[extra]label macro to generate the
% references section main date for an entry. Otherwise, if labeldate selects
% anything other than DATE (or equivalently, YEAR/MONTH), then the
% citation won't match the reference.

% Addition!
% Add new field for square brackets



       {Invalid option 'mergedate=#1'}
       {Valid values are 'maximum', 'compact', 'basic', 'minimum',\MessageBreak
        'true' (=compact), and 'false'.}}}





      test {\iffieldundef{issue}}
      test {\iffieldundef{month}}

      test {\iffieldundef{month}}
      test {\iffieldundef{extrayear}}
      test {\iffieldundef{issue}}
      test {\iffieldundef{month}}
      test {\iffieldundef{extrayear}}










    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifusetranslator
    not test {\ifnameundef{translator}}

    test {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\bbx@lasthash}}
    not test \iffirstonpage
       not bool {bbx@inset}
       test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysetcount}{1}}



  author = {Cornelisse, J. W. and Schöyer, H. Ferry R. and Wakker, Karel F.},
  title = {Rocket Propulsion and Spaceflight Dynamics},
  year = {1979},
  publisher = {Pitman},

\usepackage[bibstyle=authoryearbrak, citestyle=authoryear,%






Sadly, this does not work, as the following screenshot demonstrates:

The brackets are missing around the year [1979].

The brackets are missing altogether. It should say [1979]. For the default authoryear style it would say (1979).

Where is this going wrong? How can I fix this, in order to get square brackets instead of round parentheses around the year?

[ 1 ] — http://archive.cs.uu.nl/mirror/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf

Rationale for square brackets: Parenthesis typically indicate small additions or afterthoughts. Citations, however, are something entirely different, and thus deserve a special notation. This is also consistent with the pure numbering style that is sometimes used, e.g. [23] to indicate reference 23.

Best Answer

There is already a field format defined for square brackets - it is called brackets.

In authoryear styles, the year part of the label is created by the macro \printdateextralabel. In your authoryearbrak, you have have a spurious [s] format for \printdatextralabel (line 59). Replacing that with [brackets] yields

Cornelisse, J. W., H. Ferry R. Schoeyer, and Karel F. Wakker [1979]. Rocket Propulsion and Spaceflight Dynamics. Pitman.

Does this answer the question ?