[Tex/LaTex] How to add space around tcolorbox theorem


In amsthm you can easily change the space before and after a theorem. Can this be done with tcolorbox theorem? If so, how? I haven't been able to find anything in the documentation.

Minimal example:


\newtcbtheorem[number within=section]{mytheo}{My Theorem}

Add space below this text.

\begin{mytheo}{This is my title}{theoexample}
This is the text of the theorem. The counter is automatically assigned and,
in this example, prefixed with the section number.

Add space above this text.

Best Answer

before skip and after skip provide such spaces. You will not notice them if they are too small.

Sample output


\newtcbtheorem[number within=section]{mytheo}{My Theorem}
skip=20pt plus 2pt,after skip=20pt plus 2pt}{th}

Add space below this text.

\begin{mytheo}{This is my title}{theoexample}
This is the text of the theorem. The counter is automatically assigned and,
in this example, prefixed with the section number.

Add space above this text.