[Tex/LaTex] How to add global hyphenation rules


I know about discretionary hyphens, \-, about \allowbreak, \nobreak as well as \hyphenation{...} and even \tracingparagraphs=1 to write hyphenations into the log-file.
Those are OK for family names or quite rare tecnical terms, but from time to time LaTeX makes hyphenation mistakes which I would like to prevent for all documents on my PC. Is there a configuration file where I can add hyphenation for all TeX documents? As a second thought: is there someone to whom to apply for adding/changing hyphenation rules for TeX globally?

For example "determined" broken into "determ-ined" by Tex instead of "deter-mined" ("de-termined" would also be possible). (Might have been corrected by some update, which my distribution does not include yet, but surely there are some words left.)
There is

% File: ukhyphen.tex
% TeX hyphenation patterns for UK English [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!]
\hyphenation{ % Do NOT make any alterations to this list! --- DW 

which probably would do the job (at least locally for my PC), but I get the vague impression that the autors do not want me to change that file, and if there ever would be an update of the file, my hyphenations would be lost.

\hyphenation{he-lio-trope opos-sum}

Ms Miller-\allowbreak Smith ba\-la\-clava {\nobreak areca} 
electromagnetic\hyp{}endioscopy heliotrope opossum.


Best Answer

A simple workround would be to have a personal custom style file that includes, for example,

\hyphenation{he-lio-trope opos-sum}

that you can include as desired. Just put it on the local texmf tree in an appropriate place. With these two lines in myhyph.sty:


Ms Miller-\allowbreak Smith ba\-la\-clava {\nobreak areca} 
electromagnetic\hyp{}endioscopy heliotrope opossum.


An included file should work as well.

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