[Tex/LaTex] How to add Frontmatter pages to ToC

table of contents

I am writing my thesis and am trying to add the table of contents. The \tableofcontents provides all the contents of the chapters but I want to display the preliminary elements such as Title page and Abstract page. The code is given below:

%title page
%Thesis title
{\uppercase{\Large Title of thesis\par}}
%abstract page

I have tried to use addcontentsline but it outputs the contents page number as the title page number. I cannot seem to figure this out. Your help is appreciated.

Best Answer

A suggestion (omit the \phantomsection, if hyperref isn't needed)

Using the titlepage and abstract features is recommended.



\newcommand{\mydoctitle}{Theory of Brontosaurs}


%title page
\begin{minipage}{0.8\linewidth}   % Why????
%Thesis title
{\Large \MakeUppercase{\mydoctitle}\par}



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