[Tex/LaTex] How to add explanation of terms in equation


enter image description here
How can I add explanation like that in figure in LateX under my equation?

Best Answer

Something like this?

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath} % for "align*" environment
\[ \text{(main equation here)} \]
K &= \text{conveyance for subdivision}\\
n &= \text{Manning's roughness coefficient for subdivision}\\
A &= \text{flow area for subdivision}\\
R &= \text{hydraulic radius for subdivision (area\slash wetted perimeter)}

Addendum: If the text to the right of the = symbols can be quite lengthy, you may get line overflows. If that's the case, you could use \parbox[t]{5cm}{...} instead of \text{...} instructions, where 5cm is a stand-in of the width of the text boxes you want. I recommend setting the material in narrow-width text boxes \RaggedRight rather than fully justified (which is the default); the latter can generate large interword gaps if the text box is narrow.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath}  % for "align*" environment
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for "\RaggedRight" macro
\[ \text{(main equation here)} \]
K &= \text{conveyance for subdivision}\\
n &= \parbox[t]{5cm}{\RaggedRight Manning's roughness coefficient for subdivision}\\
A &= \text{flow area for subdivision}\\
R &= \parbox[t]{5cm}{\RaggedRight hydraulic radius for subdivision (area\slash wetted perimeter)}
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