[Tex/LaTex] How to add a transparent shadow to a block in beamer


Here my attempt to add a shadow to a block:


% add a background image
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{example-image}}

% use rounded blocks with shadow

  \frametitle{Block with shadow and with background image}

  \begin{block}{Block with shadow}

The (poor) result:

enter image description here

The shadow hides my background!

Edit: beamer offered this feature for some time, but it is incompatible with the latex-dvips-ps2pdf route. I suppose this feature could be optional…

Best Answer

A possible first approach, redefining \beamerboxesrounded and \endbeamerboxesrounded (as defined in beamerbaseboxes.sty) to use a change of opacity through \pgfsetfillopacity; the lines of code that were included are marked with % NEW; the desired opacity can be changed using the \opacity command (initially set to 0.5):



  \setkeys{beamerboxes}{upper=block title,lower=block body,width=\textwidth,shadow=false}%
  % Typeset head
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
      \advance\bmb@dima by-2pt%
      \advance\bmb@dima by8bp%
  \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
    \pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW

  \advance\bmb@temp by.5pt%
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
\pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by-1bp%
      \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by-4bp%
        \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by 4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by\bmb@prevheight%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by-4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by-1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by4bp%
      \pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@dima by\bmb@prevheight%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1.5bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
    \vskip4bp minus 2bp%
  \egroup% of \vbox\bgroup

% background image
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]%
  \node at (current page) {\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{example-image}};

% blocks with shadow

  \frametitle{Block with shadow and with background image}

  \begin{block}{Block with shadow}

enter image description here