[Tex/LaTex] How to add a table of contents in Latex using TeXStudio

table of contentstexstudio

I'm trying to simply add a table of contents to my report using TeXStudio by using the following command after the abstract:


This creates a heading Table of Contents but it doesn't list the sections only the title of the report.

My headings are as follows: Intro,Lit Review,Methodology,Conclusion.

Does anyone have any idea how to remedy this?

This is the skeleton of the template with content removed:

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file typeinst.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is the LaTeX source for the instructions to authors using
% the LaTeX document class 'llncs.cls' for contributions to
% the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences series.
% http://www.springer.com/lncs       Springer Heidelberg 2006/05/04
% It may be used as a template for your own input - copy it
% to a new file with a new name and use it as the basis
% for your article.
% NB: the document class 'llncs' has its own and detailed documentation, see
% ftp://ftp.springer.de/data/pubftp/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/llncsdoc.pdf


\graphicspath{ {images/} }



\mainmatter  % start of an individual contribution

\title{Final Year Project Report}

\subtitle{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx }

\author{Brian Varley \inst{1}
\institute{xxxxxxx Institute of Technology, Ireland\\




\noindent \textbf{Keywords.} 


\section{Project Introduction}


  \caption{figure}{Thalmic Lab's Myo arm band}
  \caption{figure}{Microsoft Kinect V2 Sensor}

Kinect v2 sensor capabilities:



The proposed application's core features are outlined as follows in order of precedence: 

\caption{ Proposed physio application prototype system architecture, detailing flow of user input.}


\section{Literature Review}

\label{sec:Applications of Vision Based Gesture Recognition in HCI} 

\caption{ Proposed project time line.}






table contents incorrect headings

The declaration in the report:

Best Answer

the llncs class has lots of interesting feature, unless publishing in LLNCS, it's probably not really the class I would choose.

Here it sets


so you might want to add


to your preamble so that your table of contents has some content.