[Tex/LaTex] How to add a percent symbol in table column along with vertical and horizontal cell padding


I want to create a similar table as in image. I don't know how to customize table border thickness and color scheme as in picture to achieve the desired output.enter image description here

How many rows should i span 4 or 5? For "Age", I have given {5} as parameter to \multirow. Is it correct?

\begin {table}
\caption{Demographic Profiles of Participants} 
\begin{tabular}{ |y | L | L | L | >{$} Sr <{$}}
Socio Demographic Factors & \textbf{Ranges} & \textbf{Frequency} & \textbf{Responses (\%)} \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{3em}{\textbf{AGE}} & 18-25 YEARS  &    84  & 57 \\ 
    & 26-35 YEARS   & 32    & 22 \\
    & 36-45 YEARS   & 11    & 7 \\
    & 46-55YEARS    & 14    & 9 \\
    & 56-ABOVE      & 7         & 5 \\ \hline
\multirow{1}{7em}{GENDER}   & MALE  & 87 & 59\\
    & FEMALE    & 61    & 41 \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{7em}{COMPUTER PROFICIENCY LEVEL}   & LESS THAN 1 YEAR &    5   & 3 \\
    & 1 TO 3 YEARS  & 37    & 25 \\
    & 4 TO 6 YEARS  & 43    & 29 \\
    & 7 TO 9YEARS   & 25    & 17 \\
    & MORE THAN 9 YEARS & 42    &28 \\ \hline
\multirow{4}{7em}{EDUCATION}    &UNDER GRADUATE STUDENT (HONS)  & 5  &  3 \\
    & GRADUATE STUDENT (HONS)   & 67    & 45 \\ 
    & POST GRADUATE STUDENT & 37    & 25 \\
    & DOCTORATE STUDENTS    & 18    & 12 \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{3em}{COMPUTER  EXPERIENCE} & YES   & 101   & 68 \\
    & NO    & 47    & 32 \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{7em}{MAJOR DISCIPLINE} & IT STUDENTS   & 42    & 48 \\
    & NON-IT STUDENTS    & 59   & 42 \\ \hline


Best Answer

Package multirow expect that you declare number of lines (not rows) which followed multirow cell. In your case: for AGE: 5, for GENDER: 2, for COMPUTER ... 5, for Education: 7, etc. Generally this mean, that you should count lines after table is generated and than correct number of spanned lines. For example as I do here:

    \begin {table}
\caption{Demographic Profiles of Participants}
\begin{tabular}{ |y|>{\raggedright}p{4cm}|c|c<{\%}|}
Socio Demographic Factors
    &   \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Ranges}}
                            & \textbf{Frequency}
                                    & \textbf{Responses (\%)} \\ \hline
    & 18-25 YEARS           & 84    & 57    \\
    & 26-35 YEARS           & 32    & 22    \\
    & 36-45 YEARS           & 11    & 7     \\
    & 46-55YEARS            & 14    & 9     \\
    & 56-ABOVE              & 7     & 5     \\  \hline
    & MALE                  & 87    & 59    \\
    & FEMALE                & 61    & 41    \\  \hline
    & LESS THAN 1 YEAR      & 5     & 3     \\
    & 1 TO 3 YEARS          & 37    & 25    \\
    & 4 TO 6 YEARS          & 43    & 29    \\
    & 7 TO 9YEARS           & 25    & 17    \\
    & MORE THAN 9 YEARS     & 42    & 28    \\  \hline
                            & 5     &  3    \\
                            & 67    & 45    \\
    & POST GRADUATE STUDENT & 37    & 25    \\
    & DOCTORATE STUDENTS    & 18    & 12    \\  \hline
\multirow{2}{4cm}{COMPUTER EXPERIENCE}
    & YES                   & 101   & 68    \\
    & NO                    & 47    & 32    \\  \hline
\multirow{2}{4cm}{MAJOR DISCIPLINE}
    & IT STUDENTS           & 42    & 48    \\
    & NON-IT STUDENTS       & 59    & 42    \\  \hline

Simpler task you have, if all rows after multirow cell has only one line. IN this case you should for second column use l instead p type of column. For other possibility follow link provided by Johannes_B.

I also little bit simplified table construction.