[Tex/LaTex] How to add a logo to the upper-right or bottom-right of each page in beamer


Friends, I'd like to add a logo to the upper-right or bottom-right of each page in beamer. But I cannot figure it out. I can only add it to the footline. In this case, the title and name are omitted. How can I solve it?
Here is a minimal example of my Beamer TeX. Thanks a lot.

\mode<presentation> {
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\usepackage{indentfirst,amsmath, multicol,amssymb}


    colorlinks = true,
    urlcolor = blue,
    pdfauthor = {\name},
    \title[Introduction ]{An Introduction} 


\date{\today} % Date

    \tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]



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Best Answer

why don't you use the \logo macro. Simply put it in document's preamble.


it puts the content at the bottom-right of each page.