[Tex/LaTex] How to add a line between chapter number and chapter title

chaptersrulessectioningtable of contents

I was wondering if there was a way to add a line between chapter number and chapter title.

As in, what I am getting now is this:


What I want is a horizontal line as shown:

enter image description here

of the same color as the page border

The code I use to start a chapter is:

\chapter{\Large REFERENCES}
\item C. Scott Ananian and Greg Humphreys, \textit{Theseus: A Maze-Solving Robot}, Princeton University, New Jersey, May 1997
\item Chang Yeun Chung, \textit{Micromous: Maze Solving Robot}, Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia, May 2009
\item Bob Clough, \textit{Rooter - A MicroMouse Maze Solving Robot}
\item Tondra De, Drew Hall, \textit{The Inception of Chedda: A detailed design and analysis of Micromouse}, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Fall 2004
\item Kelly Ridge, Sanjeev Giri, Peter Shaw, Jason Flynn, \textit{MightyMouse: An Autonomous Maze Solving Robot}
\item Michael Gims, Sonja Lenz, Dirk Becker, \textit{MICROMOUSE: Microprocessor Controlled Vehicle}, University of East London, May 19999
\item Faton Avdiu, Andy Zhou, Redwan Ahmed, Emmanuel Hereira, Allen Gutierrez, Mohammad M. Hossain, \textit{MICROMOUSE}, City College of New York, Spring 2008
\item Philips Semiconductor, \textit{LPC214x User Manual}, 25$^th$ August 2005, Volume 1, Revision 1
\item Brian Beckman, \textit{The Physics of Racing}
\item Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, \textit{Arm System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software}, Published by: Elsevier Inc., 2004
\item \textit{The amazing micromice: see how they won}, users.ece.gatech.edu/\%7Ehamblen/papers/micromouse/mmrace.pdf
\item \textit{Software Suggestions}, http://micromouseinfo.com/introduction/software.html, 5$^th$ November 2004

Also I keep getting these boxes around the section and chapter names when I use \listoffigures or \tableofcontents.

enter image description here

Is there a way to remove those?

Best Answer

To change the chapter heading format, you can use the titlesec package:




\chapter{Test Chapter}


The second \titleformat uses the numberless option so it will only have effect for unnumbered chapters; since you didn't provide information on the document class used, all I can do is to guess approximate values for the original settings; change the values according to your needs.

enter image description here

To solve the issue with the boxes around the hyperlinks, load the hyperref package in the following way:
