[Tex/LaTex] How to add 25/50/75/100% filled circles to a table


Often I see in a paper a table with a column of circles which are filled for 25/50/75/100% to show priority/level of meeting requirements, to mention yes/no/unknown/NA etc?

  • Do such (usage of) circles have a specific name?
    • How can I add such circles to a table in an easy way?
    • What are common other (visualization) techniques used in scientific papers to visualize this kind of levels/ranking/categorization? So far I have seen these circles and ++ .. –. But I am novice so maybe there are more techniques.


Best Answer

Do you mean something like below? Make sure to define your own commands. Like this, you can still switch to something different later on

% arara: lualatex


    Symbol & Meaning\\
    \noPrior & \SI{0}{\percent}\\
    \quarterPrior & \SI{25}{\percent}\\
    \halfPrior & \SI{50}{\percent}\\
    \threeQuarterPrior & \SI{75}{\percent}\\
    \fullPrior & \SI{100}{\percent}\\

enter image description here

Here is an idea for TikZ:

% arara: pdflatex

    \draw (0,0) circle (1);
    \fill[fill opacity=0.5,fill=blue] (0,0) -- (90:1) arc (90:90-#1*3.6:1) -- cycle;

    Symbol & Meaning\\
    \priority{0} & \SI{0}{\percent}\\
    \priority{15} & \SI{15}{\percent}\\
    \priority{33} & \SI{33}{\percent}\\
    \priority{75} & \SI{75}{\percent}\\
    \priority{100} & \SI{100}{\percent}\\

enter image description here

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