[Tex/LaTex] How to achieve this chapter style without using the memoir class


As fncychap has no such chapter style, and using the memoir class will cause a lot conflicts with my current settings (book class), how to make this style (perhaps using the titlesec package)?

Table of contents and Chapter style:

enter image description here

Here are my setting for chapters:

\usepackage[ ]{titlesec}  
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries }{\chaptertitlename\  \thechapter}{10pt}{\huge}
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{40pt}{40pt}  % left, vertical, skip

Best Answer

Here's a way with titlesec; I also used microtype for spacing the small caps.


 {\makebox[\textwidth]{\titlerule[0.8ex]\quad\textls{\chaptername}\ \thechapter\quad\titlerule[0.8ex]}}




\chapter{FETCH Automated Verification and Validation}


numberless chapter

numbered chapter