[Tex/LaTex] How to achieve the sort and compress behavior in Bibtex4word


I needed to work with bibtex and word, and this answer gave me the solution: Bibtex4word.

However, I ran into a problem. How can I achieve the sort and compress citation style that the natbib and other packages provide. What I mean with this is to have the bibliography sort by citation order, and then grouped citations being sorted by author within the group. For example, if you have a citation

Bla [Foo, Bar], bla [Car, Ar]

it should be formated as

Bla [1,2], bla [3,4]

[1] Bar
[2] Foo
[3] Ar
[4] Car

Instead I obtain

[1] Foo
[2] Bar
[3] Car
[4] Ar

My current format style is ieeetran/ndusch

Best Answer

I got a reply from Mike, and there is no solution, but he gave me one workaround.

If you change your option to ieeetrans/ndusch and refresh the bibliography then the entire bibliography will be sorted alphabetically and also the entries within each cited group will be re-ordered to be in alphabetical order.

Then if you change the option back to ieeetran/ndusch you will get what you want.

I leave this here, in case someone need it someday.

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