Matrices and Mathtools – How to \Aboxed a Matrix in LaTeX


I am trying to use \Aboxed around a function containing a pmatrix, but anything other than a column vector seems to break \Aboxed. I think it has something to do with the &'s in the matrix, but I am not sure. \boxed seems to work fine when wrapped around a matrix, but that forces me out of the align enviroment.

Here is an example of what I am trying to do, but the aboxed code is what is triggering the error if you try to compile it.

        \boxed{ \rho^{(z)}
            1   &   0   \\
            0   &   0
        \Aboxed{    \rho^{(z)}
            1   &   0   \\
            0   &   0

Best Answer

You need to enclose the pmatrix environment in a pair of braces { }

The internal version of \Aboxed, \@Aboxed, uses & to split its argument. Normally, this just strips everything after a possible second &, as in the second example below.
In this case though, you’re splitting the pmatrix environment which would create a sequence of math-mode commands similar to the (commented) third example.

The additional { } hide these & from the \@Aboxed macro.


            1   &   0   \\
            0   &   0
        \end{pmatrix}}} \\
        \Aboxed{\rho^z & = \rho^z & a & = b}
%        \\ \rho^z & = \begin{pmatrix} 1 % <- not a good idea


enter image description here

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