[Tex/LaTex] How to abbreviate special words for IEEEtran.bst


According to IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO:

IEEEabrv.bib contains the abbreviated form of the journal and
magazine names
. Recommended for work that is to be submitted to the

Both it is not able to abbreviate common words in each entry.

Is there any way to automatically abbreviate special words (like Conference: Conf. or International: Intl.) within the references?

As a matter of MWE, assume following files:

The main file:

\documentclass[letterpaper, 10pt, conference]{IEEEconf}


\title{My Title*}

    \thanks{*This work was not supported by any organization}% <-this % stops a space
    \thanks{$^{1}$Guy is with Hell, {\tt\small guy@hell.edu}}%








And its corresponding *.bib file:

    title={Automatic learning of pushing strategy for delivery of irregular-shaped objects},
    author={Lau, Manfred and Mitani, Jun and Igarashi, Takeo},
    booktitle={Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on},

This is how LaTeX generates:

enter image description here

Is it possible to apply target abbreviations (as acquire following result) without manual changes onto *.bib file?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I got an answer with manual changes in the bib file.

In JabRef, there is the possibility to abbreviate the journal titles based on preconfigured lists. A long how-to is available at https://help.jabref.org/en/JournalAbbreviations

Setup JabRef

  1. Download journal_abbreviations_ieee.txt
  2. Start JabRef
  3. Navigate to Options, Manage Journal Abbreviations
  4. At the lower section "External files", click on the "Browse" button (before "Download")
  5. Browse for journal_abbreviations_ieee.txt and click "OK"
  6. Click "OK"

Use JabRef for abbreviation

  1. Open the bib file in JabRef
  2. Now doubleclick the article, where you want to use the abbreviation.
  3. The entry editor opens
  4. Ensure that the tab "Required fields" is selected
  5. Right of the field "Journal", there is a button "Toggle abbreviation". Press it.
  6. Now, the abbreviation should be in the field "Journal". If not, then the journal name is not in the abbreviation list
  7. Repeat these steps for all entries.
  8. Save the bibliography

Toogle Journal Abbreviation


IEEE uses strings for the abbreviations. Accoring to the docmentation, they have to be included using \bibliopgraphy{IEEEabrv}.


JabRef's internal data model is BibTeX. There is no additional database or conversion involved.

There is also "Tools -> Unabbreviate Journal Names", but I could not find an option for "Abbreviate Journal Names".