[Tex/LaTex] How similar output do mathptmx and Times New Roman create


How similar output do mathptmx and 'Times New Roman' (in Word) create? Times New Roman is the required font type (no comment) at a University for theses… Is there big differences between the two?

I've already checked unsing lipsum, they look indistinguishable. Is there specific characters or situations where they are notably different?

Best Answer

This is what I get from the following input (compile with XeLaTeX); they are all the Times-like fonts I have on my machine. The fourth line in each item shows the internal name of the font, so to see that they are all different.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789\\

\item Times\\\alphabet

\fontspec{Times New Roman}
\item Times New Roman\\\alphabet

\item Mathptmx\\\alphabet

\item NewTX\\\alphabet


Are you able to spot any difference?

enter image description here