Draw 405 Degree Angle – How to Draw a 405 Degree Angle in Learning Material


I would like to know how one can draw teaching material of trigonometry in LaTeX? Namely, I was looking how to draw 405 degree angle i.e. unit circle, a line segment to the circumference and a spiral from x-axis to the line segment that goes around the circle over once. Also, the spiral should end to a small arrow which shows that I meant 405 degree angle rather than -405 degree angle.

Best Answer

Here's how you can do this using PGFPlots:

            axis lines=middle,
            axis equal image,
            xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
            data cs=polar,
            \addplot [thick, black, smooth, domain=0:360] {1};
            \addplot [thick, red, -latex, smooth, domain=0:405] {0.3+x/2000} node [pos=0.9, anchor=south west] {$405^\circ$};
            \addplot [thick, black] coordinates {(0,0) (405,1)};