[Tex/LaTex] How much is the “default” margin in \item elements


I am struggling to find this value (or function). I am looking into enumerate package. However, the code does not seems to call any parameter related to identation:

27 \def\enumerate{%
28 \ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
29 \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
30 \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}\fi
31 \@ifnextchar[{\@@enum@}{\@enum@}

I have also seen the enumitem package, where this seems to be governed by \listparindent or \itemindent. But I can't find their values either.

Any hint where I can find this? Let me know if this is a duplicate, but my search has been unsuccessful on that respect too.

PS: think of this as an attempt to manually replicate an enumerate environment. I need these values to do that.

Best Answer

With the printlen package you can conveniently print the values of any given length in your favourite unit:





\item test





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