[Tex/LaTex] How give space text in math mode


I have a problem about space text in math mode , and i have minimal working anwers like this following from Microsoft Word :
with space in Microsoft Word

But, since i use LaTeX dont space text in math mode, like this following from LaTeX result :
not space in LaTeX result

How give space text math mode in LaTeX ?
I use code LaTeX like this


$Biaya total_{kincir angin}$&=&40 $\times$ Rp 60.000.000,00\\
                          &=&  Rp 2.400.000.000,00



$Biaya total_{kincir angin}$&=& 3000 $\times$ Rp 5.000.000,00\\
                            &=& Rp,00

Best Answer

\documentclass[preview,border=12pt]{standalone}% change it back to your own document class

Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns. 
Karl's students do not care about arrow tips. 
Karl's students, by the way, do not know what a transformation matrix is.}

\text{Biaya Total}_{\,\text{kincir angin}}
    &= 40 \times \SI{60000000.00}[Rp\,]{}\\
    &= \SI{2400000000.00}[Rp\,]{}

enter image description here


  • always specify your decimal numbers with a period as the decimal marker.
  • always use siunit when specifying numbers such that you can change the setting globally.
  • group-separator=. makes the input 123456 get rendered as 123.456.
  • output-decimal-marker={,} makes the input 12.23 get rendered as 12,45.
  • Combining both group-separator=.,output-decimam-marker={,} makes the input 123456.78 get rendered as 123.456,78.
  • use align* to vertically align the =s and to remove the equation numbers.
  • use \text in math mode to make texts get rendered as normal texts.
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