[Tex/LaTex] How do i put verbatim text as the body of a link


Is there a way i can have verbatim text inside a link?

\href{www.numpy.org}{\verb|numpy|} does not work. I tried using cprotect;

\cprotect\href{www.numpy.org}{\verb|numpy|}, but then I end up with !TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].

Is there a simple way to do this?

Best Answer

You have to brace \href{www.numpy.org}:



With \texttt{\string\verb}: \cprotect{\href{http://www.numpy.org}}{\verb|numpy|}

With \texttt{\string\texttt}: \href{http://www.numpy.org}{\texttt{numpy}}


However, using \cprotect doesn't seem necessary here, as the example with \texttt shows.

Don't forget http:// or the link won't work.

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