[Tex/LaTex] how can I use “\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm2}}” in elsarticle


For refering a proof to a theory I know there are other ways to use but I want to know how to use by this " \newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm2}}". If I put this in preamble and make proof environment by \begin{pot} … \end{pot}, it will refer all proof to thm2.

Best Answer

You can define a generic environment using \newproof that has a text depending on a macro that can be redefined.



\newproof{zproofof}{Proof of \proofofref}



There exist infinitely many twin primes.

\begin{proofof}{Theorem \ref{twins}}
It's really easy, isn't it?

\begin{proofof}{Theorem \ref{1+1}}
Too difficult.


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