[Tex/LaTex] Horizontally align multi-line cell in table

horizontal alignmentspacingtables

I want to horizontally align two cells with two lines in a table environment, something like this:

| A long    | foo |
|           | ----|
| multiline | bar |

What I'm getting is a blank line under foo as the long multi-line takes up more vertical space, and bar is pushed down. In this image, I don't want the blank space between 'First text' and 'Second text', or 'Second text' and 'Third text'.

Lines not correct

I thought putting the top left cell into a minipage would make it flow into the blank space I provided in the second row, but that didn't work. My MWE is below.

How can I align my cells correctly?

Here's my MWE:



        \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth} A long\\line\end{minipage} & First text\\
                                                                      & Second Text\\
        A second\\Line & Third Text\\
                       & Fourth Text\\


Best Answer

Two options:



A long & First text\\
line & Second Text\\
\multirow{2}{*}{\parbox{0.3\textwidth}{A second\\ Line}} & Third Text\\
 & Fourth Text\\


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