[Tex/LaTex] Horizontal tree diagram

diagramshorizontal alignmenttikz-trees

We have document which needs to be an interactive scheme, so scheme can't be just a picture


How to create such a diagram in latex?

Diagram has following setting:

  • arrows between blocks should be compact as shown in the picture (сurved arrows)
  • horizontal scheme(not vertical)
  • each item in schema is a hyperlink
  • it is necessary to place several items in one block, as shown in the picture in red
  • such a scheme should take one page

Desired result:

enter image description here

Actual result:

I can only do such schema

enter image description here

Minimal working example
XeLaTeX is used.

\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw=black,thick,anchor=west]
  grow via three points={one child at (0.5,-0.7) and
  two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
  edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
  \node {Interfaces}
    child { node {In}}                      
    child { node {NMEA OUT}}
    child { node {ECDIS OUT}}
    child { node {VDR OUT}}
    child { node [selected] {NMEA OUT
      child { node {Baud}}
      child { node {Freq}}
      child { node {HTD}}
      child { node {RSA}}
      child { node {ROR}}
      child { node {ALR}}
      child { node {ALA}}
      child { node {HMS}}
      child { node {HMR}}
      child { node {BAM}}
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}              
    child [missing] {}                  
    child { node {texdoc}};

Best Answer

enter image description here

    \tikzset{parent/.style={align=center,text width=0.4cm,rounded corners=3pt}, 
        child/.style={align=center,text width=5cm,rounded corners=3pt}

    \section{AP Modes}


                    forked edges,
                    for tree={
                        l sep = 12mm,
                        fork sep = 6mm,
                        rounded corners,
                        text width=4.7cm,
                        node options={align=center},
           [,fill=col1, draw=white, parent, s sep=1cm  
                [{\hyperref[sec:docktrial]{\textbf{Docktrial}}}, for tree={child, fill=col4, draw=col4, edge=white}
                    [{\hyperref[sec:apmodes]{\textbf{AP Modes}}}, for tree={child, fill=col4, draw=col4, edge=black}, s sep=0mm
                            [Track mode, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                            [Wind Vine mode, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [CTS mode, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                            [River mode, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [Dodge mode, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                    [Station, for tree={child, fill=col2, draw=col4, edge=black}]
                    [Manual tuning, for tree={child, fill=col1, draw=col4, edge=black}]
                    [\textbf{Ext devices}, for tree={child, fill=col4, draw=col4, edge=black}, s sep=0mm
                            [Steering Wheel, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                            [Dodge Tiller, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [Tillers ID Assign, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                            [Joystick polling, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [\textbf{Speed joystick}, calign=last, for tree={child, fill=col2}, s sep=0mm
                                    [Vx fore max, for tree={child, fill=col2}] 
                                    [Vx aft max, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Vy max, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Vx High, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [V min Current, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [High Gain, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [High Gain Type, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Set HDG, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [JSync Type, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Parking, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Speed Rudder Limit, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                            [\textbf{GPS position}, calign=first, for tree={child, fill=col3, edge=black},  s sep=0mm
                                    [X, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Y, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Z, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [M filter, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [S filter, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Reserved1, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Reserved2, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Reserved3, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Pos Source, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [X corr, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [V filter, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [ROT Tiller, for tree={child, fill=col1}, edge=black]
                    [Mode select, for tree={child, fill=col2}, edge=black]
                    [Alarm timeout, for tree={child, fill=col1}, edge=black]
                    [\textbf{Configuration}, for tree={child, fill=col4, edge=black}, s sep=2mm
                            [Device mode, for tree={child, fill=col1}, edge=black]
                            [\textbf{JP Installation}, calign=last, for tree={child, fill=col2, edge=black},  s sep=0mm
                                    [JP config, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [JP Ext config, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Reduce config, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [JP station, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Monitor type, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Low power, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [WJ booster, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [JFail Exit, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Ahead Type, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Smoothing, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Limitation, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                                    [Allocation, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Password, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                            [\textbf{JP modes}, calign=first, for tree={child, fill=col3},  s sep=0mm
                                    [Anchor Watch, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Hold Position, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Strong Current, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Joystick Ferry, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Joystick Auto, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Joystick Speed, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Joystick Low Track, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Joystick High Track, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Joystick Horsing, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Joystick Weathervan, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Joystick Coord, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                                    [Password, for tree={child, fill=col3}]
                                    [Secure Code, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [Low Speed HC, for tree={child, fill=col1}]
                            [3 rudders, for tree={child, fill=col2}]
                            [Password, for tree={child, fill=col1}]