[Tex/LaTex] Horizontal character spacing using \resizebox

bounding boxscaling

I have some LaTeX code that uses the \resizebox command to make some hipster text, but the compiled letters are not completely flush to each side. There is a slight space on each side of the line as the font size changes, as shown in the screenshot.

I have tried to adjust this using the titlesec package but I'm a bit lost, as to how I would change this.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Here's my code too
Edit: Current Code



\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{LINE ONE OF TEXT}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{LINE 2 IS A BIT SMALLER}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{LINE THREE IS REALLY SMALL}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{THIS LINE IS IN ITALLICS}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{A LINE!}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{I CAN JUST KEEP GOING}

\resizebox{1\hsize}{!}{AND GOING AND}


Screen Shot

Best Answer

You could use some trimming from adjustbox to compensate for the reduced bounding box of certain letters - a font-specific attribute:

enter image description here




\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{LINE ONE OF TEXT}%

\adjustbox{width=\linewidth,trim=0.1ex 0pt}{LINE ONE OF TEXT}%

\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{A LINE!}%

\adjustbox{width=\linewidth,trim=0.08ex 0pt 0.2ex 0pt}{A LINE!}%


The visual alignment can be made as perfect as you want it, although the selection from within the PDF viewer may also be influenced by the trimming.

For a visual discussion on bounding boxes, see Standalone producing cropped / truncated formulae.