[Tex/LaTex] Horizontal alignment of multiple glossaries

acronymsglossarieshorizontal alignment

I utilize the glossariespackage with acronym option as well as an self-defined symbols list. Unfortunately, each glossary aligns different horizontally. Is it possible to make them aligned? Otherwise, it looks distracting to me.

vertical glossaries alignment



  % LuaLaTeX

  % new group for symbols

  \newglossaryentry{sy:te}{name=$\text{T}_\text{E}$, description={echo time}, sort=sy-echotime, type=symbolslist}
  \newglossaryentry{sy:tr}{name=$\text{T}_\text{R}$, description={repetition time}, sort=sy-repetitiontime, type=symbolslist}
  \newacronym{adc}{ADC}{anlog-to-digital converter}
  \newacronym{peg}{PEG}{polyethylene glycol}

  Text Text  Text Text Text Text Text Text
   Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text.
  .... \gls{peg} .... \gls{adc}
  .... \gls{sy:tr} .... \gls{sy:te}


Best Answer

I suggest you use the alttree style instead of long and set the width of the name field using \glssetwidest:

\glssetwidest{ADC}% widest name
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