[Tex/LaTex] Help with command \author for more than 2 authors


I need to insert two authors name in a paper. However, the names appear separated by a comma and not with the word AND between them.
I am using the command \author for each author and also the other related commands as \emailauthor and \address are being used for each author.

How to change to appear the names with AND between them?

Best Answer

The elsarticle document class uses a comma to separate multiple authors; if you are using this document class, then I would advise you not to change the pre-stablished formatting; it was designed specifically to satisfy the requirements of Elsevier. However, if you decide to change the template, then you will need a redefinition of the internal \@author command, as shown below (warning: will use "and" between all authors):


    \def\authorsep{\space and\space}%

\title{The Title}
\author{The First Author}
\author{The Second Author}




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