[Tex/LaTex] Harvard Citation Styles “et al.” and hyperlinking citations to references


I am using the Harvard package and a Journal of Finance bst file (downloaded from the home page of Ivo Welch) in a LaTeX document. Here's my code:


Citation one from \citeasnoun{Kozhan}, and also citation two from \citeasnoun{Kozhan}.



With sample references.bib file:

  title={The Skew Risk Premium in Index Option Prices},
  author={Kozhan, R. and Neuberger, A. and Schneider, P.},
  booktitle={AFA 2011 Denver Meetings Paper},

This prints as:

Citation one from Kozhan, Neuberger, and Schneider (2011), and also citation two from Kozhan, Neuberger, and Schneider (2011).

I would rather have it as

Citation one from Kozhan, Neuberger, and Schneider (2011), and also citation two from Kozhan et al. (2011).

The guide on the Harvard citation styles (http://tex.loria.fr/bibdex/harvard.pdf) says:

[…] where there are more than two authors, all authors are
listed in the first citation and in subsequent citations just the first
author's name followed by `et al.' is used.

However, as can be seen by the example above, this does not seem to be the case. Why? Finally, how can I hyperlink my citations to the relevant entry in the references section?

Best Answer

Concerning losing \possessivecite

This worked for me.

Rough syntax:

\newcommand{\possessivecite}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s \citeyearpar{#1}}
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