[Tex/LaTex] Hanging indent inside list


I would like items in a list to have a hanging indent (that is, for all lines after the first to be indented by a space or more), but the traditional \hangindent command doesn't work for this.


\hangindent=1cm This line of text has a hanging indent that looks fine, as long as it is outside a list environment.
\item \hangindent=1cm This line is inside a list environment and doesn't have a hanging indent- how can I add one?

enter image description here

How can I add a hanging indent within a list?

Best Answer

You can use the enumitem package:

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example


\item \lipsum[4]
\item \lipsum[4]


enter image description here

Another option, not requiring packages would be to use the TeX primitive \parshape:




\parshape 2 0cm \linewidth \listindent \dimexpr\linewidth-\listindent\relax
\item \lipsum[4]
\item \lipsum[4]


enter image description here