[Tex/LaTex] Greyscale compatible colours for TikZ


I am looking for five different colours/fill styles for the bars in a TikZ chart. The bars are quite narrow. I want them to be distinctive when viewed onscreen or printed in colour, but also distinctive if the same PDF file gets printed in black and white.

Can anyone recommend a good set of colour definitions? Or some other way of filling the bars to make them distinctive in both scenarios? A bonus (non-essential) would be if colour-blind people could also tell them apart easily.

To clarify, I do not want to produce a greyscale PDF file, or generate a separate output for black and white printing, as I have seen in some other answers. Thanks!

Best Answer

I would suggest using a basic color that you can then mix with different amounts of white and black to create five different shades of this color. In the following example, I have used blue as the base color, but the same can also be done using other colors (such as red and green, as shown in the image below).

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

        every axis plot/.append style={
          bar width=10pt,
          bar shift=0pt,
      \addplot[blue!15!white]coordinates {(1,5)};

The same bar charts converted to grayscale are shown next to the coresponding colored chart in the following image:

enter image description here