[Tex/LaTex] Graphing a rational function and a vertical line using pgfplots


I would like the code that instructs TikZ to plot the graph for the rational function y=(x^{2}+5x+6)/(x^{2}+2x-3). I tried using addplot[very thin,blue]{frac(x^{2}+5x+6)/(x^{2}+2x-3)}. This graph has a vertical asymptote x = 1. What is the code for plotting this line – as a dashed line – with arrowheads?




\begin{axis}[axis equal image,
          axis lines=middle,
          restrict y to domain=-7:7,
          axis line style={latex-latex},
          ticklabel style={fill=white},
\addplot[domain=-10:10,mark=none,samples=10] {frac{x + 2}{x - 1} node [above left, yshift=3pt]{$\scriptstyle{y}=\frac{x^{2}+5x+6}{x^{2}+2x-3}$};
\draw [fill=white] (-3,0) circle [radius=1.5pt];


Best Answer

With my version of PGFplots, the \addplot command you provide doesn't even compile, so I had to guess what you want to achieve. In PGFplots you can just write fractions like this: 1/(x^2).

With Matthew's comment to Jake's answer to this question you can drawn an asymptote at x=1 by using the key vasymptote=1. In order to reliably truncate the plot without using many samples (orange curve), you can plot the two parts separately, specifying the domain so that is ends slightly before x=1 (black curve).

Some curve


    before end axis/.append code={
        \draw[densely dashed] ({rel axis cs:0,0} -| {axis cs:#1,0})
        -- ({rel axis cs:0,1} -| {axis cs:#1,0});

    axis equal image,
    axis lines=middle,
    axis line style={latex-latex},
    ticklabel style={fill=white},
% This doesn't clip to y=-10:10 nicely
% because there are too few samples near the asymptote:
\addplot[very thick, orange, domain=-10:10,samples=200, restrict y to domain=-10:10]

% Draw the two parts separately with individual domains:
\addplot[samples=50,domain=-10:1-0.27] {(x^2+5*x+6)/(x^2+2*x-3)};
\addplot[samples=50,domain=1+0.33:10]  {(x^2+5*x+6)/(x^2+2*x-3)};

\draw [fill=white] (-3,0) circle [radius=1.5pt]; % What is this?
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