[Tex/LaTex] Graph of polynomial, scaling y-axis


I'm new to TikZ and to this site, so forgive me if a similar question has already been asked.

I'd like to graph the polynomial function f defined by f(x) = x3 – 6x2. I want the y-axis scaled so that the graph of f fits. (I had to manually change the numbers on the y-axis. Such a noob, I know.) If I don't plot the graph of f, I have a nice, centered coordinate system. Adding the function messes up everything. Can someone help me with this? Here is my current setup:

%The following places numerals along the x-axis
\coordinate (-5 on x)   at  (0,5);
\node [below left]  at  (-5 on x)   {\small $-5$};
\coordinate (-4 on x)   at  (1,5);
\node [below left]  at  (-4 on x)   {\small $-4$};
\coordinate (-3 on x)   at  (2,5);
\node [below left]  at  (-3 on x)   {\small $-3$};
\coordinate (-2 on x)   at  (3,5);
\node [below left]  at  (-2 on x)   {\small $-2$};
\coordinate (-1 on x)   at  (4,5);
\node [below left]  at  (-1 on x)    {\small $-1$};
\coordinate (0 on x)    at  (5,5);
\node [below left]  at  (0 on x)    {\small $0$};
\coordinate (1 on x)    at  (6,5);
\node [below left]  at  (1 on x)    {\small $1$};
\coordinate (2 on x)    at  (7,5);
\node [below left]  at  (2 on x)    {\small $2$};
\coordinate (3 on x)    at  (8,5);
\node [below left]  at  (3 on x)    {\small $3$};
\coordinate (4 on x)    at  (9,5);
\node [below left]  at  (4 on x)    {\small $4$};
\coordinate (5 on x)    at  (10,5);
\node [below left]  at  (5 on x)    {\small $5$};

%The following places numerals along the y-axis
\coordinate (-40 on y)  at  (5,0);
\node [below left]  at  (-40 on y)  {\small $-40$};
\coordinate (-32 on y)  at  (5,1);
\node [below left]  at  (-32 on y)  {\small $-32$};
\coordinate (-24 on y)  at  (5,2);
\node [below left]  at  (-24 on y)  {\small $-24$};
\coordinate (-16 on y)  at  (5,3);
\node [below left]  at  (-16 on y)  {\small $-16$};
\coordinate (-8 on y)   at  (5,4);
\node [below left]  at  (-8 on y)   {\small $-8$};
\coordinate (8 on y)    at  (5,6);
\node [below left]  at  (8 on y)    {\small $8$};
\coordinate (16 on y)   at  (5,7);
\node [below left]  at  (16 on y)   {\small $16$};
\coordinate (24 on y)   at  (5,8);
\node [below left]  at  (24 on y)   {\small $24$};
\coordinate (32 on y)   at  (5,9);
\node [below left]  at  (32 on y)   {\small $32$};
\coordinate (40 on y)   at  (5,10);
\node [below left]  at  (40 on y)   {\small $40$};
%The following draws the grid lines
\draw[help lines] (-0.25,-0.25) 
  grid (10.25,10.25);
%The following draws the x-axis
\draw[line width=1.0pt,->] (-0.5,5) -- (10.5,5) 
  node[right] {$x$}; 
%The following draws the y-axis
\draw[line width=1.0pt,->] (5,-0.5) -- (5,10.5) 
  node[above] {$y$};
  plot (\x+5,{5+(\x*\x*\x/8)-(3*\x)/8}) 
  node[right] {$f(x) = x^3 - 3x$};

Best Answer

Your domain is too large. So setting it to domain=-3:3.8 yields decent results.

However, there are other suggestions:

1. Use \foreach

You should use \foreach loops for repetitive tasks. For instance, code identical to yours that places the labels can more easily be written as (with \usetikzlibrary{calc} in the preamble):

    %The following places numerals along the x-axis
    \foreach \x in {-5,...,5}{%
        \coordinate (\x on x)   at  ($(\x,5)+(5,0)$);
        \node [below left]  at  (\x on x)   {\small $\x$};

    %The following places numerals along the y-axis
    \foreach \y in {-40,-32,...,40}{%
        \coordinate (\y on y)   at  ($(5,\y/8)+(0,5)$);
        \node [below left]  at  (\y on y)   {\small $\y$};

2. Use pgfplots for plotting.

This greatly simplifies these kinds of tasks. Below is a minimal example of your code which produces:

enter image description here




\def\FunctionF(#1){(#1)^3- 3*(#1)}%

        axis y line=center,
        axis x line=middle, 
        axis on top=true,
    \addplot [domain=-5:5, samples=50, mark=none, ultra thick, blue] {\FunctionF(x)};
    \node [left, blue] at (axis cs: 3.6,42) {$x^3-3x$};
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