[Tex/LaTex] Good general LaTeX style practice

best practicesresume

I just created my first document in LaTeX (a resume) and while I'm familiar with good practices in programming, I'm not familiar with what constitutes good practices in a markup language like LaTeX. Below is the code for my resume (content edited for privacy).

I'd like to know which style/formatting practices I used are good, and which are bad. For example, I'm guessing that using $\bullet$ .... \\ instead of an itemize is not good practice, but I wasn't sure how to embed an itemize within cvlist without creating an extra space between the list and the content above the list.

% margins
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=0.5in, right=0.5in]{geometry}
% arranging headers spacing
\usepackage[NoDate, LabelsAligned]{currvita}


% remove page number

% distance between labels and body

% heading
\noindent\textbox{Term Address:\hfill}\textbox{\hfil \LARGE \textbf{Name}\hfil}\textbox{\hfill Home Address:}\\
\noindent\textbox{Street \hfill}\textbox{\hfil email@email.com \hfil}   \textbox{\hfill Street}\\
\noindent\textbox{City \hfill}\textbox{\hfil (555)-555-5555 \hfil}\textbox{\hfill Address}

% horizontal line

% Education
\textbf{School} \hfill Cambridge, MA\\
\textit{Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Everything} \hfill June 2099 (expected)\\
Relevant Coursework: Cooking (Fall `13), Puppetry \hfill GPA: 5.0/5.0\\
for Fun (Fall `13), Probability and Stuff (Fall `13),\\
Differential Differentiation

% Experience
\textbf{Company} \hfill City\\
\textit{Position} \hfill June - August 2015\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task

\textbf{Company} \hfill City\\
\textit{Position} \hfill January - May 1908\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task

\textbf{Organization} \hfill City\\
\textit{Position} \hfill August 2000 - present\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task

\textbf{Program} \hfill City \\
\textit{Position} \hfill August 2055 - present\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task

\textbf{Organization} \hfill City\\
\textit{Position} \hfill December 1856 - June 2010\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task\\
$\bullet$ Task

 Everything, \LaTeX



Best Answer

More detailed explanation, please read the enumitem manual by invoking texdoc enumitem from your terminal.


My compact items:
  \item haha
  \item hihi
  \item hoho

My more compact items:
  \item haha
  \item hihi
  \item hoho

enter image description here