[Tex/LaTex] Gnuplottex basic example fails with ‘undefined control sequence’


I'm using latest TeXLive on Linux, and have gnuplot installed. I have also installed gnuplottex package.

Then, I'm trying to compile the basic gnuplottex CTAN example, example-pdf.tex; however, I get this:

$ pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex
! Undefined control sequence.
\gnuplotverbatimwrite ...e \openout \verbatim@out 
                                                  #1 \BeforeStream \let \do ...
l.7 ...f,terminaloptions={font ",10" linewidth 3}]

? X

(full log here)

Anyone have any idea how do I get this basic example to work?

Best Answer

I've updated the package with the bug fix, should be at a CTAN mirror near you shortly. Thanks guys!