[Tex/LaTex] Gnuplot and PDFLatex question


I'm trying to use Gnuplot and package gnuplottex to create plots directly in LaTeX. Started with the following simple example


\begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pdf,terminaloptions={font ",10" linewidth 3}]
plot sin(x), cos(x)

When I run

pdflatex  -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --enable-shell %.tex

I get the following warning messages:

Package gnuplottex Warning:Shell escape not enabled

Package gnuplottex Warning:Please convert example1-gnuplottex-fig1.gnuplot manually


No pages of output.

I'm using MikTeX, TeXmaker and Gnuplot 4.5.
Any help will be much appreciated!

Best Answer

When using MikTeX, you need to load gnuplottex with the [miktex] option.

Note that you might be better off using the pgfplots package, which generates plots completely within LaTeX (or uses gnuplot as its backend). This integrates the plots much better into the document, since the same font and rendering is used for the text and the plot. It also makes it easier to annotate the plot.

Here's an example comparing the result of using gnuplottex to that of pgfplots (using gnuplot for the calculations):


\begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pdf, terminaloptions={font "Arial"}]
plot sin(x), cos(x)

Note how the tick labels match the document font.

\begin{axis}[domain=-10:10, samples=50, smooth, no markers, enlargelimits=false]
\addplot gnuplot {sin(x)}; \addlegendentry{$\sin(x)$}
\addplot gnuplot {cos(x)}; \addlegendentry{$\cos(x)$}