[Tex/LaTex] Glossary style long but without the indentation before the notations


I want to do a nomenclature list using the glossaries package. I like the print style "long", however, I would prefer if it didn't have the large indentation to the left and it also would be great if it had three columns so I could have the first column for the notation, second column for units and third for description. Minimal example of my code:



  colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
  urlcolor     = black, %Colour for external hyperlinks
  linkcolor    = black, %Colour of internal links
  citecolor   = black %Colour of citations

  name = $\omega_0$ ,
  description = [rad/s] - The angular frequency at which the imaginary part of an impedance is zero
  name = $W_i$ ,
  description = The coils in the magnetic circuit where 1 denotes the primary side and 2 denotes the secondary side.
  name = $\vec{E}$ ,
  description = [V/m] - Electric field
  name = $\vec{B}$ ,
  description = [T] - Magnetic flux density



\printglossary[nonumberlist, style = long, title=Nomenclature]


Is there a way of adjusting the glossary style "long" the way I want to?

EDIT: In case you want to see what it looks like right now using the "long" style:

Best Answer

You can simply increase the value of the length \glsdescwidth whose default value is 0.6\hsize. For example, add the line


in your preamble and you'll have

enter image description here

Complete code:



  colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
  urlcolor     = black, %Colour for external hyperlinks
  linkcolor    = black, %Colour of internal links
  citecolor   = black %Colour of citations

  name = $\omega_0$ ,
  description = [rad/s] - The angular frequency at which the imaginary part of an impedance is zero
  name = $W_i$ ,
  description = The coils in the magnetic circuit where 1 denotes the primary side and 2 denotes the secondary side.
  name = $\vec{E}$ ,
  description = [V/m] - Electric field
  name = $\vec{B}$ ,
  description = [T] - Magnetic flux density





\printglossary[nonumberlist, style = long, title=Nomenclature]


Instead, if you want a column for units you can define a new glossary style mystyle

    \glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} &
    \glossentrysymbol{##1} &
    \glossentrydesc{##1} &
     \glossentrysymbol{##2} &
     \glstarget{##2}{\strut}\glossentrydesc{##2} & ##3\tabularnewline
    \ifglsnogroupskip\else & & &\tabularnewline\fi}%

and define the units as symbols as in

  name = $\vec{B}$ ,
  description =  Magnetic flux density,
  symbol = [T]

The following MWE



  colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
  urlcolor     = black, %Colour for external hyperlinks
  linkcolor    = black, %Colour of internal links
  citecolor   = black %Colour of citations

  name = $\omega_0$ ,
  description = The angular frequency at which the imaginary part of an impedance is zero,
  symbol = [rad/s]
  name = $W_i$ ,
  description = The coils in the magnetic circuit where 1 denotes the primary side and 2 denotes the secondary side.
  name = $\vec{E}$ ,
  description = Electric field,
  symbol = [V/m]
  name = $\vec{B}$ ,
  description =  Magnetic flux density,
  symbol = [T]


    \glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} &
    \glossentrysymbol{##1} &
    \glossentrydesc{##1} &
     \glossentrysymbol{##2} &
     \glstarget{##2}{\strut}\glossentrydesc{##2} & ##3\tabularnewline
    \ifglsnogroupskip\else & & &\tabularnewline\fi}%



\printglossary[nonumberlist, style = mylong, title=Nomenclature]


produces the following result:

enter image description here

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