How to Give \printglossaries a Section Number and Customize the Name


When I print my glossary using \printglossaries it prints the glossary on a chapter level (at least it gives it the style of a chapter heading + it appears in the index on a chapter level). However, it doesn't get a chapter number. In the example below the result would be:
1. Content
A. First Appendix

Does anybody know how I could give it the proper chapter number (= B. Glossary) in this case? Being able to customize the term "Glossary" on top of that would be even better.



\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},description={an example}}




\chapter{First Appendix}



Best Answer

The numbered is dealt with via the numberedsection package option. The title can be overridden using the title key in \printglossary:




\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},description={an example}}




\chapter{First Appendix}
\printglossary[title={Custom Title}]

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