[Tex/LaTex] Give number one to a left page without making it a right page


I'm writing my Master's Thesis as a two-sided document which starts chapters on odd pages on the right. However before the first chapter begins, I would like to have a pair of pages facing each other, the left one starting with number one. But when I set this page to one via \setcounter{page}{1}, LaTeX makes it to a right page with the margin on the right. And finally, as the minimal example shows, when starting the real chapter, the blank page on the left is missing, which is probalby will fix itself when the problem above is fixed.

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, openright,draft]{scrreprt}


\title{right page, as expected}


right page but it should be a left page, numbered with I

left page but it should be a right page, numbered with II

Right page starting with number 1, as expected but blank page missing


Does anyone have an idea how I can change the even pages to being left pages just within the group?

Best Answer

Tell LaTeX it is a right page by adding one to the page number, but showing the page number you want.

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, openright,draft]{scrreprt}


\title{right page, as expected}



Left page, numbered with I

Right page, numbered with II




Right page starting with number 1, as expected, with the blank page.
