[Tex/LaTex] Ghostscript error: ERROR -15 closing pdfwrite device


Consider the folllowing example:






Note: Of course the code in the example is rather pointless since there is no difference between \printfalse and \printtrue but I have stripped the code as much a possible (I think).

I compile using latex –> dvips –> ps2pdf and get the following error:

GPL Ghostscript 9.07: ERROR -15 closing pdfwrite device. See gs/psi/ierrors.h for code explanation.

I can't figure out how to fix this problem (and a search hasn't given me anything useful).

P.S. I upgraded my system from Fedora 18 to 19 yesterday and the problem started occuring thereafter.

Best Answer

A friend of mine found a very simpel solution: Simply use


instead of


and everything is fine (at least for the documents I have tried so far).


The error is now fixed but one gets the following message:

GPL Ghostscript 9.07: PDFDocEncoding 0 cannot be represented in Unicode

I have send a question to the Fedora team and asked what I shuold do about it. (I'll add their answer here if it is relevant.)

Update 2

Now, ps2pdf is working flawlessly on Fedora when upgrading to the newest version of Ghostscript.