[Tex/LaTex] GhostScript and GhostView


I am about to install W32TeX on a flash drive. Among the files to be installed (via a vbs script) are GhostScript and GhostView.

My question is, do I really need GS and GV, because I only create very simple personal letters, with no PS drawings, etc.

Best Answer

If you can guarantee that you

  1. don't use PostScript related packages such as PSTricks
  2. don't import EPS images
  3. don't need to compress your PDF output which is produced by either pdflatex.exe or xelatex.exe.

then you don't need GhostScript! GhostView is just a viewer with very limited features that I never need to use.

You just need to compile your TeX input file with pdflatex.exe or xelatex.exe and finish!