[Tex/LaTex] Getting xeCJK package to work with MikTeX


I am trying to write Chinese in LaTeX with MikTeX 2.9, and at the moment I am using fontspec, something like the below. However, I have heard good things about xeCJK, and I am considering switching to it instead (not least to improve the looks of punctuation), however, I can't get it to work.

This is a document that works right now




, however this document




gives an ! Undefined control sequence <argument> \tipaencoding error.

Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?

Best Answer

\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{SimSun} \end{CJK} is CJK, which is not inherited by xeCJK(see bilingual documentation). More better way to handle Chinese is using ctex


% !TEX program = xelatex
% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
%Save as UTF-8, run xelatex.



Hello, 你好。

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