[Tex/LaTex] Getting rid of blank pages


I have a file with two appendices, each of which contains only a figure, and a blank page is being inserted before each appendix page. I have tried looking for an answer, but it seems like everything I find relates to the book document type, and I am using the report. My document looks like this:

\documentclass[oneside, letterpaper, 12pt]{report}


    \chapter{Database Layout}
        \includegraphics[max size={.98\textwidth}]{DatabaseDiagram}
    \chapter{Website Layout (as relates to database)}
        \includegraphics[max size={\textwidth}]{WebsiteDiagram}


Any suggestions?

Best Answer

After correcting your MWE a little bit that it works, it gives result as you desire:

\documentclass[oneside, letterpaper, 12pt]{report}
%  \renewcommand\thesection{\Alph{section}}% possible alternative
%    \section{Database Layout}
    \chapter{Database Layout}
%    \section{Website Layout (as relates to database)}
    \chapter{Website Layout (as relates to database)}

As you can se from above WME, pages has not blank pages before any chapter. If You can instead chapter as document division in appendix use section. In latter case you can obtain two images in one page (if they are enough small).

Update: As mentioned Christian Hupfer, appendix isn't environment, so (if the appendix is on the end of document) should be used as \appendix. I correct this in above code and also changy stile of numbering from small caps to big one.

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