[Tex/LaTex] Getting error “Undefined control sequence” for \acmBookTitle

compilation errorerrorsoverleafundefined

I'm using Overleaf and I used the ACM template provided for submission to a conference. It's my first time with LaTeX and with OverLeaf.

I'm getting an error "Undefined control sequence" for the following line.

\acmBooktitle{ICSE '18 Companion: 40th International Conference on
Software Engineering Companion, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg,

I thought I'd check the log file to get more info. But this is all I got.

./Main.tex:110: Undefined control sequence. l.110 \acmBooktitle
                    {ICSE '18 Companion: 40th International Conference on So...

Need urgent help. Thanks

Best Answer

There is an outdated and now incorrect statement in Masud's answer: "it seems to me \acmBooktitle part is optional."

The ACM conferences now have an automated checking system called TAPS for checking your LaTeX code. That's right, they will request your actual source files now. TAPS will throw errors and reject your upload if you are missing \acmBooktitle. Error text: "Required commands for metadata missing (\acmBooktitle )". It also throws errors if your LaTeX code redefined the \baselinestretch command to get a few extra lines squeezed into your paper. They seem to be banning practices that authors previously got away with.

I, too, got an undefined control sequence error from using the \acmBookTitle line from the provided ACM copyright code with the new ACM template provided on Overleaf. It would probably be best to contact support through the interface TAPS provides, but for now my advisor suggests the following workaround code:

\acmBooktitle{Proceedings of \acmConference@name
         \ (\acmConference@shortname)\fi}

Make sure you follow their advice to insert the ACM boilerplate section between \begin{document} and \maketitle; the Overleaf template might default to somewhere else.

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