[Tex/LaTex] Getting a frame with listings in beamer


According to my experiments the listings package no longer allows

       %CODE HERE

you can use

\begin{lstlisting}[frame = single]

to get a line around your frame and you can use title to get a title, but this does not produce the same effect as the regular frames.

Sample code:

\documentclass{beamer} {
  \mode<presentation> {
  % or ...

  % or whatever (possibly just delete it)

% or whatever

% or whatever




% Or whatever. Note that the encoding and the font should match. If T1
% does not look nice, try deleting the line with the fontenc.

\lstset{language = SAS}

\setbeamercolor{navigation symbols}{fg = white, bg = white}
\setbeamercolor{sectionintoc}{fg = white}

\title[] % (optional, use only with long paper titles)
{Lies, damn lies and ... SAS to the rescue!}

\author{Peter L. Flom}
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
%   affiliation.

\institute[Peter Flom Consulting] % (optional, but mostly needed)
{Peter Flom Consulting}

\date[Short Occasion] % (optional)
{SESUG \\September, 2015}

% This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left
% out.

\AtBeginSubsection[] {

% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command:


\lstset{language = SAS}


           \begin{lstlisting}[frame = single, title={SAS code for means}]
             data means1;
             input x @@;
                210 291 921 922 102

              proc means data = means1;
               var x;

Is there a way to get "normal" looking frames with listings or should I use one of the verbatim packages?

EDIT June 3, 2015, 7PM Eastern

Per the comments, I tried a simpler version and still got the same error: "Runaway argument? File ended while scanning use of \next"


\lstset{language = SAS}

\title[] % (optional, use only with long paper titles)
{Lies, damn lies and ... SAS to the rescue!}

\author{Peter L. Flom}
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
%   affiliation.

\institute[Peter Flom Consulting] % (optional, but mostly needed)
{Peter Flom Consulting}

\date[Short Occasion] % (optional)
{SESUG \\September, 2015}

\lstset{language = SAS}



           \begin{lstlisting}[frame = single, title={SAS code for means}]
             data means1;
             input x @@;
                210 291 921 922 102

              proc means data = means1;
               var x;

Best Answer

If you remove the spaces before \end{frame} it compiles.

According to the beamer manual section 12.9:

If you wish to use a {verbatim} environment in a frame, you have to add the option [fragile] to the {frame} environment. In this case, you really have to use the {frame} environment (not the \frame command) and the \end{frame} must be alone on a single line.

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