[Tex/LaTex] German-style quotation marks in LuaLaTeX using polyglossia


Could someone post a complete minimal input file for LuaLaTeX to output


also to get around ,,Hallo´´

In LaTeX I would have written


%% Minimal Inputfile for LuaLaTeX
\setdefaultlanguage[spelling=new, babelshorthands=true]{german}


\enquote{Hallo--mit enquote--this is working}

But: how to produce the euivalent Text, based on babelshorthands?

“`Hallo”’  --- is not working


Best Answer

For babel-style shortcuts, don't use "smart" quotes: using "dumb" double quotes is the way to go.

enter image description here

\setdefaultlanguage[spelling=new, babelshorthands=true]{german}

\enquote{Hallo} --- with \texttt{\string\enquote}, this works

"`Hallo"'  --- with \verb+"`+ and \verb+"'+, this works too
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