[Tex/LaTex] Generating .toc file without generating a ToC

shorttoctable of contentstitletoc

Problem: I want to generate a .toc file without the table of contents actually being displayed anywhere in the text.

Background: I want a short ToC at the beginning of my text, using shorttoc. Then, using titletoc, I want a detailed in chapter ToC at the beginning of each chapter. For these detailed in chapter ToC's I need \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} in order to have the detailed information being written to the .toc. Now, shorttoc doesn't create a .toc file on its own but you have to place \tableofcontents somewhere after \shorttoc. So just leaving \tableofcontents out doesn't solve the problem.

Possible solution: Run (PDF)LaTeX first with \tableofcontents so that a .toc file is generated. Then comment it out and (PDF)LaTeX again.

That works of course but it is not at all an elegant way of solving the problem. I suppose there should be some way of creating .toc without actually creating a ToC with \tableofcontents.

Here is a MWE. It is not strictly speaking minimal, but the additional stuff shall make clear what the overall idea of the document is.




{} {\contentslabel{2.3em}} {} {\titlerule*[1pc]{.}\contentspage}
{} {\contentslabel{3.2em}} {} {\titlerule*[1pc]{.}\contentspage}
{} {\contentslabel{4.1em}} {} {\titlerule*[1pc]{.}\contentspage}
{} {\contentslabel{0em}} {} {\titlerule*[1pc]{.}\contentspage}









\chapter{A chapter}
\subsection{A subsection}
\subsection{A second subsection}
\section{Section 2}
\chapter{Second chapter}
\section{Another section}

PS: A solution which does not require major changes of the current configuration would be preffered (I mean I would rather not like to use different packages to get the overall output I get with the above code).

Best Answer

\tableofcontents sets the chapter title and calls \@starttoc{toc}. The latter reads the contents file and starts a new one. The following redefines \tableofcontents that only calls \@starttoc{toc} and the reading is disabled by locally redefining the command for reading.

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